I'm Rachel. In the digital scrapbooking world I'm also known as Harmonystar. I've actually been digital scrap booking since I was in high school. This was when scrapbooking was mostly colored cardstock, construction paper, and stickers. Hardly the industry it is now. I used the computer a lot for school projects and figured why not scrapbooking? They were mostly white background with some clip art, but it was digital scrapbooking none the less.
Now anything done in "paper" scrapbooking I can do digitally plus more! The amazing designers have made such great kits for us digital scrapbookers! It makes my job so much fun! I also design elements and paper myself here and there.
Aside from digital scapbooking I also love reading. I'm taking a class to become a children's writer, and I used to be a ballroom dancer. I hope to teach beginning ballroom again in my near future.
I married my high school sweet heart after a couple semesters in college and a 8 month internship at Disney World (Yes it was Magical) and after he spent two years serving a mission in Canada for the LDS church. He still treats me like a princess.
After awhile we were happy to have an addition to our family. Jaden joined us and I quit my job as a Title I aid to be home and play with him all the time. I've never known more joy or frustration ever in my life. Which pretty much sums up a family in my opinion.